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Discus 2b 4m

Published: Wednesday, 03 August 2016

The moulded Discus 2b is an aerobatic remote control model sailplane in 1:3.75 scale. The wing has a span of 4 000mm and standard equipped with winglets.

The fuselage of the Discus 2b is made of fiberglass. The cockpit is equipped with a moulded seat. If the customer wishes, the cockpit can be custom equipped with seat covers, upholstered side panels, control levers, a control panel, microphone and map. The canopy opens to the side just like the real sailplane.

The wing is of sandwich construction, made of fiberglass and Herex sandwich materials. The wing spar is made of glass roving and fiberglass sandwich web filled with balsa. The prolonged wing spar, further secured by a pin, provides an attachment to the fuselage, just the way it is in the real sailplane.

Discus 2b is equipped with Schempp-Hirth air brakes, an airtow release mechanism and retractable landing gear. Instead of the standard retractable landing gear the model can be fitted with a folding retractable landing gear, just the way it is in the real planes. The model has the original true scale sailplane livery applied. If the customer wishes, the colour of the standard decals can be changed or these can be completely custom made.

The scale model Discus 2b can be fitted with an Elicker’s 14 or 16 inch retractable pylon. The model can have the fuselage adjusted, pre-cut and fixed with a door, i.e., ready for the installation of the retractable unit or, it can have the pylon completely installed by us.

With basic equipment, the Discus 2b requires eight (8) servos, i.e., elevator, rudder, ailerons, airbrakes, retractable landing gear and airtow release mechanism. If modified as an M version, the model requires an additional servo for the retractable pylon.

The sailplane Discus 2b 4m can be easily transported in our moulded transportation Cobra trailer on wheels, which we developed for models of this size.



Model # Specs Price + 21% VAT
GPD2 FRLG Brakes, folding retractable landing gear, winglets, airtow release mechanism CZK 41652.-
GPD2 FRLG CC Brakes, folding retractable landing gear, winglets, airtow release mechanism, custom cockpit CZK 45635.-

* For prices of other optional equipment and accessories or to request our wholesale price list and business terms, please
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Scale: 1:3,75
Wing span: 4 000 mm
Length: 1 810 mm
Wing area: 71 dm²
Airfoil: HQ 3/15-14 mod.
Loading: 84,5 g/dm²
Weight: approx. 6000 g
Flying proficiency: Intermediate

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Technical specifications for box
Lenght: 2000 mm
Width: 310 mm
Front Height: 300 mm
Tail Height: 415 mm
Weight: 5300 g
Price + 21%VAT: CZK 15491,-


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